Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Common Reasons why Women need to seek a sex Therapist.

Common Reasons why Women need to seek a sex Therapist.

If sex feels like a task instead of joy and pleasure, then you are probably missing what other women are enjoying. Every woman struggles with sex at some point in their relationship. Lack of enjoyment in sex life can lead to the feelings of loneliness, lack of connection, lack of love and loss of intimacy.

An unsatisfied sexual life can cause a lot of misunderstandings in your relationship. There can be a lot of problems that may be interrupting in your sexual life. To get rid of such problems, one needs to consult a sex therapist, who can sort out their problems. There are a lot of reasons behind your sexual issues, which you can know with the help of a specialist. There are a lot of reasons why you need to seek the help of a sex therapist. These reasons have been brought to you by the Best Sexologist Doctor in Noida, who is a leading sex therapist. 

1.      You are anxious during sex
There are a lot of women, who struggle hard while having sex due to anxiety. They either orgasm too quickly or not at all, which makes them anxious. Many women also struggle with body confidence also. A sex therapist will help to build confidence in your sexual skills and help you deal with the performance anxiety. They will teach you to how to stay present mentally during sex.

2.      Mismatched sex desires
Your husband wants sex every night, but you want it few times a week. This is the most common reason so far to cause sexual problems in your relationship. A lot of women are unable to balance their sex life due to the mismatched sex desires. Dealing with this issue is common, so seeking the help of an expert therapist is the best option. The sex therapist might help you improve your sex desires.

3.      Childbirth and kids
Believe it or not, but after the childbirth, it's common to lose interest in sex. Late nights with baby, breastfeeding, etc. can put a damper on your sex life. Your body goes through a lot of changes after childbirth, which may negatively impact your sex life. Changes in hormonal level can also be experienced after the childbirth. This is a commonly unnoticed situation, so it is advised to consult a sex therapist to sort out your psychological issues, you face after the childbirth.

4.      Pain during sexual intercourse
While it is important to seek the help of a doctor when you experience pain during sexual intercourse, but after initial checkup you should take the sex therapy to cure the pain because sometimes the sexual pain is behavioral. The sex therapist can suggest you some ways to enhance vaginal lubrication and decrease pain during sex.

These are the common reasons why women need to seek the help of the expert sex therapist. If you are also facing these issues or other psychological sex issues, then you can consult Dr. P.K. Gupta, a leading Sexologist Doctor in Noida. He is a leading sex therapist that can help you with all type of sexual issues in men and women. 

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