Monday, 26 February 2018

How you can Avoid Sexual Complications in Your Relationship?

How you can Avoid Sexual Complications in Your Relationship?

Every relationship has ups and downs, but that does not mean you cannot cope up with the sexual issues. Most of the couples need help with sex. The sexual issues can reflect your love life and can create other type of problems for couples. The sexual temptations can easily ruin an excellent relationship. You should avoid sexual temptations and to enjoy more sex in the relationship, you can get the best treatment for Low sex desire in Delhi that helps to enhance your sexual health.

Here are some tips to avoid sexual complications in your relationship

1.      Communication is key
Communication is the best way to express your feeling and it make your bond strong. It helps to reaffirm your positive feeling in the relationship. A communication between the partner should be clear, honest and tactful. So, you should maintain a better communication with your partner so that you are able to cope up with sexual issues.

2.      Tell him how to turn you on
You should help your partner by showing him what turns you on.  Guide him so that he is able to know what you need and able to fulfill your sexual desires. Telling  him what you want in bed will help you to improve your sexual life with your loving partner.

3.      Putting the fun into sex
To improve your sexual life, you should rekindle the spark by enjoying some fun into sex like  you should be sensual, create a lovemaking environment, leave love notes on your partner’s pocket, tickle and laugh together. Experiment with new positions and some erotic activities that help to rekindle the spark again.

So, these are the helpful tips to avoid sexual complications in the relationship. The best sexologist in Delhi that is Dr. P.K Gupta will help you to avoid sexual issues and make your relationship better. He provides the best male sexual treatment problem in Delhi and many treatments to enhance your sexual life. So, you can consult Dr. P. K. Gupta to enjoy more fulfilling sex. 

Thursday, 22 February 2018

What are the Effective Ways to Treat Premature Ejaculation?

What are the Effective Ways to Treat Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction. It occurs when you are reaching at the orgasm very sooner than your partner. This condition may not be satisfying for the partners. It can create a frustrating and embarrassing environment for both the couples.

If you are also facing PE (premature ejaculation), then don’t worry, it is the common diseases as many men don’t have control over ejaculation. I have seen many men who are frustrated with such situation and wants to overcome with it. This can easily occur to anyone at any age. It is a treatable condition and can be treated with the help of the best doctor for premature ejaculation in Delhi. You can consult him to improve your sexual life.

Here are some more effective ways to treat premature ejaculation

1.      Pelvic muscle training
It is the most effective way to overcome with premature ejaculation. Strengthening the pelvic muscles support and helps to control the ability to ejaculate, when a man is ready to ejaculate sooner than his partner.  It has the ability to eliminate PE. This will make your pelvic muscles strong as weak pelvic muscles can cause premature ejaculation.

2.      The squeeze
When you feel that you are reaching at the orgasm, then you should squeezes the head of the penis until you lose the erection. Repeat this exercise for 3 or 4 times before ejaculating. It is considered as the second most effective way to overcome with PE.

3.      Stop and start method
Last but not the least, you should stimulate your penis, until you’re getting an orgasm. Stop the arousal for 25 seconds. Repeat this process for 3 or 4 times until you actually ejaculate. It helps to reduce the sensation as well as help to treat with PE.

So, these are the effective ways to treat premature ejaculation. By reading this blog, you can surely able to cope up with premature ejaculation. To avoid sexual issues in the relationship, you can also consult Dr, P. K Gupta. He is the best doctor that provides the best premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi. So, consult him to improve your sexual life with your partner. 

Monday, 12 February 2018

Know Some Natural Ways to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man can’t achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. It is a common issue as there are many men who are suffering from it. Don’t worry, you are not alone. ED is a treatable issue that can attract guys of any age.

Know Some Natural Ways to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

If you are also one of them who is suffering from  erectile dysfunction, then you can get the best impotence treatment in Delhi from the best sexologist. Erectile dysfunction, also known as Impotence. There are some symptoms of ED such as trouble getting an erection, reduced sexual desire, etc.

Here are some ways to cure erectile dysfunction.

1.      Proper Exercise
Exercise is additionally a good way to manage stress, boost mental health and stop obesity. Like eating a healthy diet, regular exercise is one among the natural remedies for impotence which will improve your overall health.

2.      Eat right
Foods that help to avoid ED such as leafy greens and beets, dark chocolate, watermelon, tomatoes and the foods that are high in Vitamin E. Nuts and seeds are also helpful in the ED. Both exercise and proper diet will help in preventing erectile dysfunction.

3.      Quit smoking and drinking
Alcohol and smoking can also cause sexual dysfunction. Smoking not only tobacco, but also smokeless  tobacco will narrow the arteries and prohibit the blood vessels which is necessary to induce an erection.

So, these are the ways by which erectile dysfunction can be cured. If you are also suffering from ED, then you should consult Dr. P. K Gupta. He is the best sexologist and provides the most effective male sexual problem treatment in Delhi. So, you can cure this very common issue by consulting Dr. P. K Gupta, who also help you to get a better sexual life. 

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Common Reasons why Women need to seek a sex Therapist.

Common Reasons why Women need to seek a sex Therapist.

If sex feels like a task instead of joy and pleasure, then you are probably missing what other women are enjoying. Every woman struggles with sex at some point in their relationship. Lack of enjoyment in sex life can lead to the feelings of loneliness, lack of connection, lack of love and loss of intimacy.

An unsatisfied sexual life can cause a lot of misunderstandings in your relationship. There can be a lot of problems that may be interrupting in your sexual life. To get rid of such problems, one needs to consult a sex therapist, who can sort out their problems. There are a lot of reasons behind your sexual issues, which you can know with the help of a specialist. There are a lot of reasons why you need to seek the help of a sex therapist. These reasons have been brought to you by the Best Sexologist Doctor in Noida, who is a leading sex therapist. 

1.      You are anxious during sex
There are a lot of women, who struggle hard while having sex due to anxiety. They either orgasm too quickly or not at all, which makes them anxious. Many women also struggle with body confidence also. A sex therapist will help to build confidence in your sexual skills and help you deal with the performance anxiety. They will teach you to how to stay present mentally during sex.

2.      Mismatched sex desires
Your husband wants sex every night, but you want it few times a week. This is the most common reason so far to cause sexual problems in your relationship. A lot of women are unable to balance their sex life due to the mismatched sex desires. Dealing with this issue is common, so seeking the help of an expert therapist is the best option. The sex therapist might help you improve your sex desires.

3.      Childbirth and kids
Believe it or not, but after the childbirth, it's common to lose interest in sex. Late nights with baby, breastfeeding, etc. can put a damper on your sex life. Your body goes through a lot of changes after childbirth, which may negatively impact your sex life. Changes in hormonal level can also be experienced after the childbirth. This is a commonly unnoticed situation, so it is advised to consult a sex therapist to sort out your psychological issues, you face after the childbirth.

4.      Pain during sexual intercourse
While it is important to seek the help of a doctor when you experience pain during sexual intercourse, but after initial checkup you should take the sex therapy to cure the pain because sometimes the sexual pain is behavioral. The sex therapist can suggest you some ways to enhance vaginal lubrication and decrease pain during sex.

These are the common reasons why women need to seek the help of the expert sex therapist. If you are also facing these issues or other psychological sex issues, then you can consult Dr. P.K. Gupta, a leading Sexologist Doctor in Noida. He is a leading sex therapist that can help you with all type of sexual issues in men and women. 

3 sex exercises that will add sparkle to your sex life and make it more romantic.

There are many couples who face sexual issues in their relationship. Even, there are many ways by which you can solve or avoid sexual pro...